Sunday 6 April 2014

Bounce Gymnastics

Over this term 4J has been involved in the Bounce Gymnastics program every Wednesday. Please enjoy the pictures of us learning and practicing new gymnastic skills, with and without equipment. What do you think your favourite part of Bounce Gymnastics would be? Comment below!

Miss Jones

Narrative Writing

This term 4J have been learning how to create more engaging pieces of narrative writing.
We have been reminded that each narrative needs to include a/an:
- Orientation: introduce the characters and describe the setting
- Complication: introduce a situation that changes the normal run of events and causes a problem for one or more of the characters
- Resolution: resolve the problem so things are back to normal even if changes have occurred
- Coda: show clearly how the character has changed and what has been learnt.

We have thought about how a 'sizzling start' through the use of sound effects, dialogue or humour can more effectively engage the reader and draw them into our story.

Some of our students have been working with Mrs Clark to create, edit and publish their own narratives. Below are two videos of our students reading their narrative aloud to peers during Literacy Group rotations. Please enjoy and comment below to encourage AM and SB in their hard work.

Well done girls!

Miss Jones