Monday 31 March 2014

The World of Social Media

Dear Parents,

As 4J begins the social media blogging journey you may be asking the questions 'why blog?' or even 'is it really necessary to expose our primary children to this online world?' As I began to reflect on these and some of my own questions I realised we ourselves were taught the 'social media' of our own generations. As we navigated the professional letter or telephone etiquette our students are now expected to master the skills of appropriate online behaviour. I believe that social media and the online classroom can transform a child's learning experience, allowing them to extend their learning context, build effective communication and be empowered to develop their own voice.

The following is an excerpt from Kristen Wideen's class blog about "How My Learning Environment Has Evolved"

"If you step into my classroom you will quickly find out that we are a classroom with no walls. Video conferencing, blogging, creating videos and books, teaching and learning from other peers in the classroom, in the school and in the world about what they are interested in is embedded into the daily instruction of my classroom. The result of this purposeful connectivity is that my grade of grade 1/2 students has begun to develop a global perspective of issues that could not have been authentically discovered if they were solely engaged in books in our classroom"

I hope you are as excited as I am to guide our students through the blogging process. I believe our 4J classroom will grow and develop into this same purposeful connectivity as is explained above.

Please enjoy some pictures of our Maths Groups over the last two weeks. We have been playing a variety of games to develop and build our multiplication skills. Feel free to comment below or assist your child in posting a comment.

Miss Jones :)

Sunday 30 March 2014

Welcome to 4J's Class Blog

Hi everyone!

Welcome to 4J's Class Blog. On this blog we will be sharing news about our classroom, photos and video of learning activities, as well as student writing samples. Students may even have the opportunity to 'Guest Blog' throughout the year.
Please comment below and feel free to share our class blog with family and friends.

Looking forward to blogging with you all this year,

Miss Jones